Monday, April 2, 2012

Some guidelines.

Hi, guys. :) So, before I established this blog, I decided I want it to be a big part of my life. I want to work at it, to promote it, and to really make it something. I do want to be a writer, after all. To keep the content coming, the blog needs to have structure, or else I know I'll forget to post. So, here are some posting guidelines, so you know what to expect (and hold me accountable for): 1) There will be 1 new story up on the 1st and 15th of every month, without fail. 2) Each story will be at least 750 words, probably more. 3) I'll share my story with at least 3 other social networks. Those 3 guidelines are going to keep this blog on track and growing. The rest of BEDA is going to be done on my personal blog (and maybe YouTube), except for the 15th, because that'll be my first story! Talk to you guys tomorrow! :)

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